Well friends, I think it's very dificult to do an evaluation of a hole year, it's obvious that I can't remeber every moment or details that I spent in order to evaluated them, more if we are talking about the past year, but I'll make an effort. What I do remember very good is that besides I had very dificult times, they were not enough to forget all the good ones. The first thing that comes to my mind is the subjects that I had to approve, the called "practice" that we had during the year and the horrible subject that I had to repeat during the summer.
First of all I have to explain why I'm talking about the called "practice" becouse it wasn't a real practice the one that we had to do the first semester, they just use us to pick up the waste of almost all the animal of the farm!!!...I'm sorry but you just can't call that a practice, we didn't learned a thing!...and it was so disgusting and so unpleasant that it was a real disappointment, but it all changed the second period, when we had a real practice, of cattle, equine and small animal clinic, they weren't during the hole semester but we did have one of each just to see what it was.
The most important remember that I have from the past year is the hard time that we passed during the finishing period, those months that we all know are full of stress and a lot of studing, when you just stop having a life, more when we were about to take the final exam in Anatomy!...what a horrible time was that!...but at the end I realised that it wasn't imposible as I thought it was and that hole amount of stress help me to learned so much about animal anatomy, all those diferences between animals that I didn't imagine! I think it's quite a great subject and after all I enjoyed very much.
And at least I can tell you the horrible horrible news that I recived at the end of the year, after all those months of studing so hard I didn't approved Biochemistry, I had to start earlier my hollidays in order to take advantage of the few days that I had to spend with my family before starting the summer subject to approve it as I had to do the first time. and I did it!...I was so proud of my self!
Well to sumarise all this evaluation I can say that it was a cool year, I had the oportunity to meet a lot of new poeple, including the ones that now I consider my friends, had the chance to interact with the farm animals, which realy makes you think that you weren't wrong about this carrer and after all the suffering with the study, I realized that with a very big effort and a lot of pacience everything is posible!....even approve anatomy and biochemistry!! Belive me...this is a GREAT carrer...and a year that was just unique!=)