domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

the feared death penalty

Well first fo all a really would prefer to talk about something else, something less depresing but I have to, so here it is.  There is a lot of discution about this theme, there is a bunch of people who think that it is a fair punishment for those who have than quite some horrible things, but in my personal opinion is not the best way.
If  you think about it, this people who have done something that bad, should be really punished, I dont know how but I think that taking their liberty away for the rest of thier life it's quite good, it's an instant where they will think about what they have done or at least they will suffer just as much as the person who they attacked.
If you kill them all, it's too easy for them, they just do all the bad things and  disappear from this world, and that's it, nobody ends happy, not the attacked one or the family from the victim or anyone, just the bad guy who won't even know how much damage they have cause, he just did it.
I know that it sounds a little bit scary but I would feel a lot better if I know that the person who took somebody's life away or violated a little girl or something else it's in a horrible place with almost no windows, without the love of a family or the privilege of having a nice walk on a beautiful park with a warm sun.
It's the best way for me to "pay" for what it's now already a fact and it can't be undone.
So take care! becuase if I change of career to become a judge, I will send them all to jail or a horrible island! =)

1 comentario:

  1. Well first fo all a really would prefer to talk about something else, something less depresing but I have to, so here it is. There is a lot of SP discution about this theme, there is a bunch of people who think that it is a fair punishment for those who have than quite some horrible things, but in my personal opinion is not the best way.
    If you think about it, WF this people who have done something that bad, should be really punished, I dont know how but I think that taking their liberty away for the rest of thier WF life it's quite good, it's an instant where they will think about what they have done or at least they will suffer just as much as the person who they attacked.
    If you kill them all, it's too easy for them, they just do all the bad things and SP disappear from this world, and that's it, nobody ends happy, not the attacked one or the family from the victim or anyone, just the bad guy who won't even know how much damage they have WF cause, he just did it.
    I know that it sounds a little bit scary but I would feel a lot better if I know that the person who took somebody's life away or violated a little girl or something else it's in a horrible place with almost no windows, without the love of a family or the privilege of having a nice walk on a beautiful park with a warm sun.
    It's the best way for me to "pay" for what it's now already a fact and it can't be undone.
    So take care! SP becuase if I change of career to become a judge, I will send them all to jail or a horrible island! =)

    well it would depend on the island right? I mean if it's in the middle of the caribbean I wouldn'd mind...
