jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

El Salvadooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Why would I like to visit El Salvador? it's a very personal reason realy, my grandfather was born there, so he is a true Salvadoreño, my dad and aunt were born here, but I can say they are like half Salvadoreños, and in my case, just a 1/4 of my blood it's suposely from there. We are the only part of the family who lives out of there, cuase the other part has always lived in that country and I havent been there, not even once!....

What happens to me with that country it's a cross road of emotions. I never met my just mentioned grandfather because he left a long time ago and he never came back, so I din't had the chance to meet him. Even though my hole family from that side tells me that we could have been a great couple, with the same kind of jokes and a very similar personality, I think he is the one who has the fault in that and I don't have anything to do with that desition, so I never thought about visiting the other part of the family, but lately I had the oportunity to start a new relationship with them and I discovered a realy incredible family. They are kind, thoughtfull and nice with as, so I'm starting to feel that need of knowing them a little bit more.
Beside of all that, I did a research about the country and found a hole new side of it, a very colourfull place, with cheerfull people, with loud music and people enjoying it!

So if a have to do the maths, between been angry becouse of what happend years ago with people that is not even here today, or go and meet a hole new family who is ancius to meet us, I'll have to chooose the second one right??...jajajaja...you don't have to be very clever to decide it!
Beside of my personal story, I think it would be an incredible experience to go there and see this with your own eyes, dance that very diferent but good music, eat all that spicy food they prepare and try to enjoy that new culture to learn something and use it here, where people is more and more angry every day because of nothing, would you like to go with me and bring all that happiness to chilean people??? =)

1 comentario:

  1. Why would I like to visit El Salvador? it's a very personal reason realy, my grandfather was born there, so he is a true Salvadoreño, my dad and aunt were born here, but I can say they are like half Salvadoreños, and in my case, just a 1/4 of my blood it's suposely from there. We are the only part of the family who lives out of there, SP cuase the other part has always lived in that country and I havent been there, not even once!....

    What happens to me with that country it's a cross road of emotions. I never met my just mentioned grandfather because he left a long time ago and he never came back, so I din't WF had the chance to meet him. Even though my WW hole family from that side tells me that we could have been a great couple, with the same kind of jokes and a very similar personality, I think he is the one who has the fault in that and I don't have anything to do with that SP desition, so I never thought about visiting the other part of the family, but lately I had the oportunity to start a new relationship with them and I discovered a SP realy incredible family. They are kind, SP thoughtfull and nice with SPas, so I'm starting to feel that need of knowing them a little bit more.
    SP Beside of all that, I did a research about the country and found a WW hole new side of it, a very SP colourfull place, with SP cheerfull people, with loud music and people enjoying it!

    So if a have to do the maths, between been angry SP becouse of what happend years ago with people that SVA is not even here today, or go and meet a hole new family who is SP ancius to meet us, I'll have to chooose the second one right??...jajajaja...you don't have to be very clever to decide it!
    SP Beside of my personal story, I think it would be an incredible experience to go there and see this with WW your own eyes, dance that very SP diferent but good music, eat all that spicy food they prepare and try to enjoy that new culture to learn something and use it here, where people SVA is more and more angry every day because of nothing, would you like to go with me and bring all that happiness to CAPSchilean people??? =)

    very interesting... if you have the chance dont miss it!!
    check some of the corrections
