jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

The Famous Transantiago

Well...I have to asume that almost everyone who read this has travel at least once in this new and strange designed buses, couse if you haven't, you should try it, and live the experience.
In my personal case, I use Transantiago everyday to and from de Uni, commuting the buses with the underground. I think it's quite good, it's clean, safer than the old one design, a little bit more quikly and very comfortable. For example, the bus that I take almost always has an empty seat where you can study or do anything, couse belive me, it takes so long to get to the bus stop where my Uni is (becouse of the many stop it makes in the midle of the trip), that it  gives you time to do what you want to.
Beside of that, a thing that is still the same as it was before is the people who gets on the bus (without paying)and try to make money for living....and how they do it?? ... selling diferent stuff, that seems to be usefull but at the end of the day, if you buy it, you never use it!! ... like pens, minicalendars, torchs and other things, the only one that I think it's worthy is the known ice-cream or the cold juice in the midle of a hot hot day!...when you can't decrease the temperature in the bus so you just have to buy something to drink....that is very usefull!
Beside of all that, I think Transantiago manages to function in the best way that it can in this city, where nobody is never happy with anything, always finds something bad in everything, but doesn't do a thing for change it! ...think about it!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hey! not all the stuff that people sell on micros is useless, long time ago I bought a pen with 4 colours!ajahajhaajhjahjahjaa almost all the colours of the rainbow!
    But someday there will be a chance to buy the better implement for a student: a pen with invisible ink for tests! Wujujujujuju!

  2. Well...I have to asume that almost everyone who SVA read this WF has travel at least SP couse if you haven't, you should try it, and live the experience.
    In my personal case, I use Transantiago everyday to and from de Uni, commuting the buses with the underground. I think it's quite good, it's clean, safer than the old one design, a little bit more quikly and very comfortable. For example, the bus that I take almost always has an empty seat where you can study or do anything, couse SP belive me, it takes so long to get to the bus stop where my Uni is (SP becouse of the many stop it makes in the SP midle of the trip), that it gives you time to do what you want to.
    WW Beside of that, a thing that is still the same as it was before is the people who SVA gets on the bus (without paying)and try to make money for living....and how WO they do it?? ... selling SP diferent stuff, that seems to be SP usefull but at the end of the day, if you buy it, you never use it!! ... like pens, minicalendars, torchs and other things, the only one that I think it's worthy is the known ice-cream or the cold juice in the SP midle of a hot hot day!...when you can't decrease the temperature in the bus so you just have to buy something to drink....that is very SP usefull!
    Beside of all that, I think Transantiago manages to function in the best way that it can in this city, where nobody is never happy with anything, always finds something bad in everything, but doesn't do a thing for change it! ...think about it!

    I agree with you! it has some good points but other bad as well.
    try to use some connectors between sentences so they would provide more coherence to you r writing ok?

    p.s. what invisible ink simon?
