miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

My Favorite Animal !!!! =)

What a great subject!....animals!!
Well obviously as we are studyng to be veterinary I think that we all love most of animals, always with some execptions but at least lot of them.
In my case it's very dificult to say, but if I have to choose I'll say that the horse it's by far my favourite animal, that's why I wan't to work with them my hole life.
When I see a horse I think in something beautiful, stylized, with a dificult temper, but I think I understand them because of my own personality, that is very alike.

I love to be with them, watch how they manage to do what they do, how they behave with little kids with mental problems and how they help them just by being how they are.
It's so entertaning to work with them, besides the danger that it brings, it also has very good and fun stuff, like how you can manage to make them follow you without screaming or how to make them stay still when you have to work with them, or how they show their anger with the position of the neck or the position of the ears, etc... I just think it's amazing!

So like a sumary I would just tell you to loose the fear when you have to be near them, cause if you do, you are going to learn a hole new way of living and comunicate with the world, in a way that it very very very intresting!

1 comentario:

  1. What a great subject!....animals!!
    Well obviously as we areSP studyng to be WFveterinary I think that we all love most of animals, always with some SP execptions but at least lot of them.
    In my case it's very SP dificult to say, but if I have to choose I'll say that the horse it's by far my favourite animal, that's why I wan't to work with them my hole life.
    When I see a horse I think in something beautiful, stylized, with a SP dificult temper, but I think I understand them because of my own personality, that is very alike.

    I love to be with them, watch how they manage to do what they do, how they behave with little kids with mental problems and how they help them just by being how they are.
    It's so entertaning to work with them, besides the danger that it brings, it also has very good and fun stuff, like how you can manage to make them follow you without screaming or how to make them stay still when you have to work with them, or how they show their anger with the position of the neck or the position of the ears, etc... I just think it's amazing!

    So like a WW sumary I would just tell you to loose the fear when you have to be near them, cause if you do, you are going to learn a SP hole new way of living and SP comunicate with the world, in a way that it very very very intresting!

    it sounds interesting to devote your life to them...
    check the corrections
