sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

My favorite MOVIEEEEE!!!

Well, I have to say that although I really like almost anykind of movies I don't go to the cinema that much becouse of how expensive that is!...if you are not a member of a big company, you don't have any discuont on anything so it's very hard for me to go...that's why I'm not that in to the newest movies but inspite of that I can tell you wich my favorite movie is.....¡"My Best Freind's Wedding"!!!

Do you know it???....It's just asowme!!....it's about an old friendship of a man and a women who promised many years ago, that if they were still single when they were 40 they would marry each other.
The woman is the main character (interpretated by Julia Roberts) and recieves a call from this friend, telling her that he is going to marrie another woman!!! (interpretated by Cameron Diaz) the notice breaks her hart, but instead of forgetting about him, she decides to go there and try to separete them by doing quite funny things!...
 It's a very intresting movie, it includes romance, drama, comedy and really really really good music!...it's so good that they have there own movie's music cd, that it's as great as the movie it self.
I just can recomended becouse you are going to have a lot of fun!!!...trust me! =)

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