martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Challenges in Veterinary

 Well, we all know that Chile is not the most advace country in america but it's a developing coountry in america latina, that's why in our discipline we are still facing some challenges in many matters.

First of all technology for all of us, as veterinaries, as a science carreer, is very important to have it, to know since university how to use it, to start our professional life with this knowledge. Here in Chile the technology is very poor in this animal area, although as I said before is very necesary for the profession, it's not very common to see a veterinary with a good technology, or at least a basic one, this is mainly becouse of the lack of money that this area has.
Then if we go deeper, there is a very important issue with the society, couse if you think about it, veterinary in Chile it's seen more as a luxury than as a need, again I think is becouse of the lack of money that most of chileans have. Veterinary is not a cheap discipline and therefore is not cheap to take your pet for a regular check, so they just leave there pets to live their life as they can, without a good medical care, as it should be.
Another thing is the fact that most chileans don't have the habit of taking their pets to the veterinary, so if they are ill they leave them like that untill the disease it's very advanced and there is nothing else to do, so they get the idea that is not worthy to spent that amount of money in their pets if they are going to stay ill, which is a very wrong idea!

I think that if we, as veterinaries, try to start a campagne for giving more information to people about our profession, how it works, and how to mantain the health of their pets it all should be more easy, people will start to think in another hole way!..going more to the veterinary, learning more about animals needs and other stuff. So I would say that Chile as a developing countrie that still has a lot to work with so the area of veterinary gets to be developed to! =)

1 comentario:

  1. Well, we all know that Chile is not the most advace country in CAPS america but it's a developing coountry in america latina, that's why in our discipline we are still facing some challenges in many matters.

    First of all technology for all of us, as veterinaries, as a science carreer, is very important to have it, to know since university how to use it, to start our professional life with this knowledge. Here in Chile the technology is very poor in this animal area, although as I said before is very necesary for the profession, it's not very common to see a WF veterinary with a good technology, or at least a basic one, this is mainly becouse of the lack of money that this area has.
    Then if we go deeper, there is a very important issue with the society, ^ couse if you think about it, veterinary in Chile it's seen more as a luxury than as a need, again I think is becouse of the lack of money that most of chileans have. Veterinary is not a cheap discipline and therefore is not cheap to take your pet for a regular check, so they just leave there pets to live their life as they can, without a good medical care, as it should be.
    Another thing is the fact that most chileans don't have the habit of taking their pets to the veterinary, so if they are ill they leave them like that SP untill the disease it's very advanced and there is nothing else to do, so they get the idea that is not worthy to spent that amount of money in their pets if they are going to stay ill, which is a very wrong idea!

    I think that if we, as veterinaries, try to start a SP campagne for giving more information to people about our profession, how it works, and how to mantain the health of their pets it all should be more easy, people will start to think in another hole way!..going more to the veterinary, learning more about animals needs and other stuff. So I would say that Chile as a developing countrie that still has a lot to work with so the area of veterinary gets to be developed to! =)

    it sounds like a very interesting idea! good luck with it
