lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Vladimir Putin and Tigers

This is a very disturbing news, it talks about the terrible fact of the decline of the number of tigers in Asia, that just in this century almost 97% of them are disapearing and  now a days can't be found in the places were they used to be (from 25 countries to 13 countires today). As you can see this is a very important problem, couse if you do the maths they could be extinct in a very short time.

This news tell us how Vladimir Putin (russian prime minister) and Robert Zoellick (World Bank president) are starting a campaign of 4 days to raise enough money over the tiger conservation, to save them like it's supose to be.
In the event they will also introduce an international consortium against wildlife crimes (which is the main responsable of what is going on) and will show all the celebrities that are suporting the couse, with the purpose of making more people to pay atention to the event and at the same time make them realise what is happening in the world. Althogh there is a lot of suport they are concern about making this a reality and not to stay just in words.

So let's think about what we can do to make a diference in this theme, how to help this awesome initiative and take advantage of this very known and powerfull people to make this happen!

2 comentarios:

  1. This is good news! World leaders working together... But I'm sure that Robert Zoellick is a man who has enough money to solve the problem alone

  2. This is a very disturbing news, it talks about the terrible fact of the decline of the number of tigers in Asia, that just in this century almost 97% of them are SP disapearing and SP now a days can't be found in the places were they used to be (from 25 countries to 13 countires today). As you can see this is a very important problem, couse if you do the maths they could be extinct in a very short time.

    This news tell us how Vladimir Putin (russian prime minister) and Robert Zoellick (World Bank president) are starting a campaign of 4 days to raise enough money over the tiger conservation, to save them like it's SP supose to be.
    In the event they will also introduce an international consortium against wildlife crimes (which is the main responsable of what is going on) and will show all the celebrities that are SP suporting the couse, with the purpose of making more people to pay SP atention to the event and at the same time make them realise what is happening in the world. SP Althogh there is a lot of SP suport they are concern about making this a reality and not to stay just in words.

    So let's think about what we can do to make a SP diference in this theme, how to help this awesome initiative and take advantage of this very known and SP powerfull people to make this happen!

    well at least there is interest in saving them right?
