jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Evaluation of the Past Year

Well friends, I think it's very dificult to do an evaluation of a hole year, it's obvious that I can't remeber every moment or details that I spent in order to evaluated them, more if we are talking about the past year, but I'll make an effort. What I do remember very good is that besides I had very dificult times, they were not enough to forget all the good ones. The first thing that comes to my mind is the subjects that I had to approve, the called "practice" that we had during the year and the horrible subject that I had to repeat during the summer.

First of all I have to explain why I'm talking about the called "practice" becouse it wasn't a real practice the one that we had to do the first semester, they just use us to pick up the waste of almost all the animal of the farm!!!...I'm sorry but you just can't call that a practice, we didn't learned a thing!...and it was so disgusting and so unpleasant that it was a real disappointment, but it all changed the second period, when we had a real practice, of cattle, equine and small animal clinic, they weren't during the hole semester but we did have one of each just to see what it was.
The most important remember that I have from the past year is the hard time that we passed during the finishing period, those months that we all know are full of stress and a lot of studing, when you just stop having a life, more when we were about to take the final exam in Anatomy!...what a horrible time was that!...but at the end I realised that it wasn't imposible as I thought it was and that hole amount of stress help me to learned so much about animal anatomy, all those diferences between animals that I didn't imagine! I think it's quite a great subject and after all I enjoyed very much.
And at least I can tell you the horrible horrible news that I recived at the end of the year, after all those months of studing so hard I didn't approved Biochemistry, I had to start earlier my hollidays in order to take advantage of the few days that I had to spend with my family before starting the summer subject to approve it as I had to do the first time. and I did it!...I was so proud of my self!

Well to sumarise all this evaluation I can say that it was a cool year, I had the oportunity to meet a lot of new poeple, including the ones that now I consider my friends, had the chance to interact with the farm animals, which realy makes you think that you weren't wrong about this carrer and after all the suffering with the study, I realized that with a very big effort and a lot of pacience everything is posible!....even approve anatomy and biochemistry!! Belive me...this is a GREAT carrer...and a year that was just unique!=)

martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Challenges in Veterinary

 Well, we all know that Chile is not the most advace country in america but it's a developing coountry in america latina, that's why in our discipline we are still facing some challenges in many matters.

First of all technology for all of us, as veterinaries, as a science carreer, is very important to have it, to know since university how to use it, to start our professional life with this knowledge. Here in Chile the technology is very poor in this animal area, although as I said before is very necesary for the profession, it's not very common to see a veterinary with a good technology, or at least a basic one, this is mainly becouse of the lack of money that this area has.
Then if we go deeper, there is a very important issue with the society, couse if you think about it, veterinary in Chile it's seen more as a luxury than as a need, again I think is becouse of the lack of money that most of chileans have. Veterinary is not a cheap discipline and therefore is not cheap to take your pet for a regular check, so they just leave there pets to live their life as they can, without a good medical care, as it should be.
Another thing is the fact that most chileans don't have the habit of taking their pets to the veterinary, so if they are ill they leave them like that untill the disease it's very advanced and there is nothing else to do, so they get the idea that is not worthy to spent that amount of money in their pets if they are going to stay ill, which is a very wrong idea!

I think that if we, as veterinaries, try to start a campagne for giving more information to people about our profession, how it works, and how to mantain the health of their pets it all should be more easy, people will start to think in another hole way!..going more to the veterinary, learning more about animals needs and other stuff. So I would say that Chile as a developing countrie that still has a lot to work with so the area of veterinary gets to be developed to! =)

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Vladimir Putin and Tigers

This is a very disturbing news, it talks about the terrible fact of the decline of the number of tigers in Asia, that just in this century almost 97% of them are disapearing and  now a days can't be found in the places were they used to be (from 25 countries to 13 countires today). As you can see this is a very important problem, couse if you do the maths they could be extinct in a very short time.

This news tell us how Vladimir Putin (russian prime minister) and Robert Zoellick (World Bank president) are starting a campaign of 4 days to raise enough money over the tiger conservation, to save them like it's supose to be.
In the event they will also introduce an international consortium against wildlife crimes (which is the main responsable of what is going on) and will show all the celebrities that are suporting the couse, with the purpose of making more people to pay atention to the event and at the same time make them realise what is happening in the world. Althogh there is a lot of suport they are concern about making this a reality and not to stay just in words.

So let's think about what we can do to make a diference in this theme, how to help this awesome initiative and take advantage of this very known and powerfull people to make this happen!

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

The Discount's Queen

This is a story of a cashier that worked on a very known clothing store in Santiago and seemed to be a regular worker who went to her job every day, monday to friday, but who had a very big and juicy secret.
She managed to make discuonts in all seasons, without a special sale or something similar or to things that weren't always with discount, she just gave them to everyone (family and freinds) who came to her cash machine.
This woman found the way of making discounts at the moment of paying for the clothes in the cash machine, she made a 50% discount on each wear and then made in addition another 50% less to the final receipt.
This was possible becouse she entered to the main sistem of the hole store and made the discount seem normal or like special sale, so the owners never realize about this fact. They catch her becouse they started to suspect of the concidence that it was that almost everyone that camed to her cash machine were family or a friends of the woman, thats why they started the investigation.
This behaviour was consider as a fraud crime, and the judege thought that it was a fair penalty to make her pay the hole debt that was acumulated during the time of the non-permition discounts, that made a total of about 500.000 pesos, do you think it's fair enough???..

Improving your Faculty Facilities

Well, I think that we all agree that the faculty is not what we expected to be as the University of Chile. In my personal opinion the faculty is great!...it's very dificult to find another place with the spirit of the veterinary people, with all that grass, without those buildings as other faculties have, with the friendship that exists between students, etc...
Beside of all that, I do think that the faculty does not have all what it should, it has a poor technology, which is very important in a science career, it doesn't have a decent library, which I think is the most imprtant item in a university!...I mean a place to study a career with no place to read or where to ask for books or without enough computers to find information or to make reports it's not a place for studing!...not a good one at least.
So I think that in order to improve the faculty, we should ask for all what we are missing: a bigger library, more books, more computers, and more technology for us to learn how to use it, if we do have the oportunity to do it in the future.
now do you agree with me??....I think that if they manage to give us all that, this faculty could be the best of all!!!!.....=)

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

My favorite MOVIEEEEE!!!

Well, I have to say that although I really like almost anykind of movies I don't go to the cinema that much becouse of how expensive that is!...if you are not a member of a big company, you don't have any discuont on anything so it's very hard for me to go...that's why I'm not that in to the newest movies but inspite of that I can tell you wich my favorite movie is.....¡"My Best Freind's Wedding"!!!

Do you know it???....It's just asowme!!....it's about an old friendship of a man and a women who promised many years ago, that if they were still single when they were 40 they would marry each other.
The woman is the main character (interpretated by Julia Roberts) and recieves a call from this friend, telling her that he is going to marrie another woman!!! (interpretated by Cameron Diaz) the notice breaks her hart, but instead of forgetting about him, she decides to go there and try to separete them by doing quite funny things!...
 It's a very intresting movie, it includes romance, drama, comedy and really really really good music!...it's so good that they have there own movie's music cd, that it's as great as the movie it self.
I just can recomended becouse you are going to have a lot of fun!!!...trust me! =)

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

My Favorite Animal !!!! =)

What a great subject!....animals!!
Well obviously as we are studyng to be veterinary I think that we all love most of animals, always with some execptions but at least lot of them.
In my case it's very dificult to say, but if I have to choose I'll say that the horse it's by far my favourite animal, that's why I wan't to work with them my hole life.
When I see a horse I think in something beautiful, stylized, with a dificult temper, but I think I understand them because of my own personality, that is very alike.

I love to be with them, watch how they manage to do what they do, how they behave with little kids with mental problems and how they help them just by being how they are.
It's so entertaning to work with them, besides the danger that it brings, it also has very good and fun stuff, like how you can manage to make them follow you without screaming or how to make them stay still when you have to work with them, or how they show their anger with the position of the neck or the position of the ears, etc... I just think it's amazing!

So like a sumary I would just tell you to loose the fear when you have to be near them, cause if you do, you are going to learn a hole new way of living and comunicate with the world, in a way that it very very very intresting!

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

A Nice Place in Chile

Now, I don't really have many foreign friends, but if I have to imagine it, I think I would like to take this friend to more than one place here in Chile, cause there are so many beautiful places where to go that it must be a journey of more than a day.
Beside of this I have to think that I have unlimited money to do what I want and definitely a lot of  free time.

First I would like to take him (lets think it's a boy and a very cute one) to the south, visit all Magallanes, the incredible white and snowy landscape, although the weather it's not the best, the view is definitely worthy.
Second I would take him to the coast, somewere to have an incredible tasty meal, with a lot of sea food, fish, and all the thing that we have and don't value. Then go to the beach, swim in the sea and make many sand castles!! =)
And to finish I would take him to the north, the desert, with that dry heat but with incredible views and quite funny animal with a very diferent way of living in compare with the animals that we are use to. Sadly I haven't see them by my self,  only in photos and books. =(
I know that at the end of this journey I would have achieved my goal, make him notice that Chile it's one of a kind, just amazing!!!!
don't you agree with me???....do you wan't to be that friend and visit this places??...I know I would love to be! =)

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

the feared death penalty

Well first fo all a really would prefer to talk about something else, something less depresing but I have to, so here it is.  There is a lot of discution about this theme, there is a bunch of people who think that it is a fair punishment for those who have than quite some horrible things, but in my personal opinion is not the best way.
If  you think about it, this people who have done something that bad, should be really punished, I dont know how but I think that taking their liberty away for the rest of thier life it's quite good, it's an instant where they will think about what they have done or at least they will suffer just as much as the person who they attacked.
If you kill them all, it's too easy for them, they just do all the bad things and  disappear from this world, and that's it, nobody ends happy, not the attacked one or the family from the victim or anyone, just the bad guy who won't even know how much damage they have cause, he just did it.
I know that it sounds a little bit scary but I would feel a lot better if I know that the person who took somebody's life away or violated a little girl or something else it's in a horrible place with almost no windows, without the love of a family or the privilege of having a nice walk on a beautiful park with a warm sun.
It's the best way for me to "pay" for what it's now already a fact and it can't be undone.
So take care! becuase if I change of career to become a judge, I will send them all to jail or a horrible island! =)

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

El Salvadooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Why would I like to visit El Salvador? it's a very personal reason realy, my grandfather was born there, so he is a true Salvadoreño, my dad and aunt were born here, but I can say they are like half Salvadoreños, and in my case, just a 1/4 of my blood it's suposely from there. We are the only part of the family who lives out of there, cuase the other part has always lived in that country and I havent been there, not even once!....

What happens to me with that country it's a cross road of emotions. I never met my just mentioned grandfather because he left a long time ago and he never came back, so I din't had the chance to meet him. Even though my hole family from that side tells me that we could have been a great couple, with the same kind of jokes and a very similar personality, I think he is the one who has the fault in that and I don't have anything to do with that desition, so I never thought about visiting the other part of the family, but lately I had the oportunity to start a new relationship with them and I discovered a realy incredible family. They are kind, thoughtfull and nice with as, so I'm starting to feel that need of knowing them a little bit more.
Beside of all that, I did a research about the country and found a hole new side of it, a very colourfull place, with cheerfull people, with loud music and people enjoying it!

So if a have to do the maths, between been angry becouse of what happend years ago with people that is not even here today, or go and meet a hole new family who is ancius to meet us, I'll have to chooose the second one right??...jajajaja...you don't have to be very clever to decide it!
Beside of my personal story, I think it would be an incredible experience to go there and see this with your own eyes, dance that very diferent but good music, eat all that spicy food they prepare and try to enjoy that new culture to learn something and use it here, where people is more and more angry every day because of nothing, would you like to go with me and bring all that happiness to chilean people??? =)

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

The Famous Transantiago

Well...I have to asume that almost everyone who read this has travel at least once in this new and strange designed buses, couse if you haven't, you should try it, and live the experience.
In my personal case, I use Transantiago everyday to and from de Uni, commuting the buses with the underground. I think it's quite good, it's clean, safer than the old one design, a little bit more quikly and very comfortable. For example, the bus that I take almost always has an empty seat where you can study or do anything, couse belive me, it takes so long to get to the bus stop where my Uni is (becouse of the many stop it makes in the midle of the trip), that it  gives you time to do what you want to.
Beside of that, a thing that is still the same as it was before is the people who gets on the bus (without paying)and try to make money for living....and how they do it?? ... selling diferent stuff, that seems to be usefull but at the end of the day, if you buy it, you never use it!! ... like pens, minicalendars, torchs and other things, the only one that I think it's worthy is the known ice-cream or the cold juice in the midle of a hot hot day!...when you can't decrease the temperature in the bus so you just have to buy something to drink....that is very usefull!
Beside of all that, I think Transantiago manages to function in the best way that it can in this city, where nobody is never happy with anything, always finds something bad in everything, but doesn't do a thing for change it! ...think about it!